Give us a call: 071 223 53 41

No matter what age - it's never too late for a perfect smile

Straight teeth, a radiant smile - for all ages

A radiant smile is not only an expression of joie de vivre, but also the result of healthy teeth and a harmonious jaw position. Every patient is unique, which is why we attach great importance to customized orthodontic solutions for all age groups. In addition to traditional plates, we also offer tooth correction with transparent braces (aligners) to make treatment as comfortable and effective as possible.


In addition to orthodontic treatment, we also offer other services for children and adolescents.

Practice makes perfect...

We know how important it is to develop good dental habits at an early age. We support parents in understanding and implementing the right care for their little ones' teeth.


We offer a variety of prophylactic measures to prevent tooth decay and other dental diseases in children, including regular check-ups, professional teeth cleaning and fissure sealing.

Child-friendly care

We are focused on creating a positive and child-friendly environment to reduce anxiety and make a visit to the dentist a pleasant experience.

Treatment under anesthesia

The possibility of treatment under anesthesia makes it possible to reduce anxiety and promote a positive attitude towards dental care.

Pediatric dentistry

A child's radiant smile is a precious commodity. We are convinced that proper dental care from an early age lays the foundation for good oral health.

We look forward to accompanying your child on the path to lifelong oral health.